Around the world in 60 days
By Joshua F. Levante
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Source: Google image search |
Inspired by Jules Verne of his works "Journey to The centre of the Earth" and also a movie and book called "around the world in eighty Days"...
Source: Goole image search Engine |
Episode 1 - In London
Narrator by Nabila
4 Travelers: Arini, Gabby, Dharma, Agieus
Music background:Linus and lucy (from The Peanuts)
Narrator: One day, four students met a challenge to go around the world in only 60 Days… or just in two months time. Not more or not less… and cannot be late even a second… with one condition…
THEY CANNOT FLY or use AIR transportation… so they just only stick to the ground… float on the water
They will get a big prize when they reached the finish line in time. They start form London in England and will finish at the same city to…
Let us take a look and enjoy their journey… because we have only minutes time so we must cut most of our performance
Soon afterward…
Dharma Are you ready Fellows?
Gabby Give me a break!!!!...
Agieus Come on Cheer up Mates! We are going to go AROUND The world… FOR FREE!!!
Arini: For FREEEEEE????... yeah but if we can’t make it in 60 days. We MUST pay all our expenses. Think that! Think that! Think That! Pusing deh!
Dhrama: Well.. That’s THE CHALLENGE!!! You see????
Agieus: Cooooool… around the world in 60 Days!!.. Cooool….
So they go to train station.
Dharma Alright team! Stop the nonsense Grumbles. Are the preparations ready?
Agieus: Okay… Have you got the big bags?...
Dharma Yup… here they are
Gabby Nice… Have you got the map… the compass.. and travelling book…?
Agieus Bingo!!!!!
Arini:Great!.. Have you got the Mooooney…?
Gabby: Don’t Worry. I have all the Cash and all my ATM and Credit Cards!
Dharma: Sweeeeet!!!... NOTHINGT else that we MISSED... So let catch and get on the train then!
Agieus: Adventure here we come…
Arini:Eh.. eh… fellow… I … have… something… to tell… u…. it is IMPORTANT…
All travelers: WHAT!!!
Gabby: TELL US NOW?...
Arini: He he he he… I.. don’t… have the ticket…
Dharma: pardon me?........... What do you mean…?
Dharma: pardon me?........... What do you mean…?
Arini: I missed the ticket… I left the ticket in my pocket of my dirty jeans yesterday…
All travelers: OH MY GOD!!!!
Gabby: We will be late then for the first country…
Agieus: Where we will be…?
Dharma: Don’t worry we still can go to Egypt by the next train!
Narrator: So they get home to get the ticket and wait for the next train…
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Image Source: Google Image Search Engine / depositphoto |
Episode 2 – in Egypt
Additional Characters:
Egyptian 1: Fian
Egyptian 2: Dimas
Merchant 1: Fero
Merchant 2: Fio
Music BAckground; The Desert Rose by Sting
Narrator: Somewhere… in a hot, dusty and dry spot and at local public place in Egypt…
Egyptian 1: I don’t want to pay these. You are late. Wassalam!
Merchant1: Astafirulah! Look, I have to sail around Africa to get this stuff for you. Around the Africa you see?... and you say… that we are late. Goodness Gracious!
Merchant 2:We just late for a day… Oh Mighty God Please!
Egyptian 2: A late is a late.. No matter in a day, hours or even in a minutes…
Merchant 1: Hei… it is not fair..
Egyptian 2: That is your business! I won’t pay that!
Merchant 2: No way…
Egyptian 1: Yes Way…
Merchant 1: No… no… no…
Merchant 2: Yes… yes… yes…
Narrator : Suddenly… the travelers come among the Egyptian…
Gabby: Excuse me…. Where is the route to China?
Egyptian 1+2: It’s NON SENSE!…
Merchant 1+2: It MAKES SENSE!!!!...
Egyptian 1+2: What’s your problem?
Merchant 1+2: What is your problem?
Narrator: Still the Egyptians and the merchants arguing each other…
Dharma: so that is your entire problem. Let me see the map please? Right
Narrator He opens the map on the floor and all eyes look at the map.
Arini: Well… gentleman,… why don’t you make a shortcut. From there to here!
Agieus: Yeaaah… build a canal
Dharma: Use the river stream…
Gabby: Make a lot of money and get rich…
Egyptian 1+2 & Merchant 1+2: :???? (scratch their heads)
Egyptian 1+2 : That is actually…. A GREAT IDEA…
Gabby: Now could you help us please?
Egyptian 1: Tell me please?
Agiues: We have to go to China Quickly! Show us the route please?
Merchant 1: Well… I never been gone to China..
Merchant 2: I think you should go north and turn left when you reach Istanbul.
Egyptian 2: You will across the desert. So you need a very strong and powerful truck.
Merchant 1: You can use my truck if you want?....
Arini: Thank you! Wow… how kindly person you are…
Merchant 2: But…. Nothing is free in this world strangers… we are a merchant too…
Narrator: After a quite having long negotiation, they made a deal… the merchant got the money and the traveler got a truck…
Merchant 1: It’s nice to have business with you all…
Merchant 2: Farewell… and good luck….
Narrator: So the travelers go north to Turkey and turn left when they left the city….
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Image Source: Google image search engine |
Episode 3 – in China
Additional Characters.
Chinese 1: Khema
Chinese 2: Jessica
Chinese 3: Felicia
Chinese 4: Ivandra
Music Background: Chinese instrumental
Narrator: They passed high mountains… go east, go east, go east and east and passed a dessert. After nights and days traveling on the old shabby truck. At the end they could reach a town…
The people are yellow. They speak another language that no one could easily understand. They stopped at the local restaurant to get something to eat…
Chinese 1: My mama is sick. I miss her. But I couldn’t talk to her.. huuuuuh
Chinese 2: My family is waiting for my news. I got the good job. But I could reach them… what a sad…
Chinese 3: My god! I make a mistake in my work, now I lost my job… poor me!
Chinese 4: friends what should we do… now?
Chinese 1: If I could talk to my mom easily…
Chinese 2: If I could send letter faster…
Chinese 3: If I could not make mistake in counting money…
Chinese 4: cheer up friend… everything will be alright… pray to GOD
Suddenly the travelers meet the Chinese...
Gabby: Gentlemen… could you help us please?
Chinese 4: What is it?
Dharma: We need a boat to America?
Agiues: Yeaah… strong and fast boat…
Arini: And of course it is very comfortable for a beautiful lady like me…
Chinese 2: NO!!! we don’t have a boat you ask for.
Chinese 4: I have only a tug boat…
Dharma: Okay… the best we can get! We take it! How much?... pounds or dollar?
Chinese 3: Penny & Pounds and dollar?... hmmm… wait a sec..
Chinese 4: We don’t want your money… but… we like…
Agiues: You can ask everything you want… he he he…
Chinese 1: How about that…. BLACK berry…
Dharma: Oke.. Arini.. give your black berry… to them
Chinese 4: Not one but three…
Arini & Gabby: Excuse me…?????
Chinese 2: And I like.. that laptop too please…
Chinese 3: And your iPod and counting tablets…
Chinese 4: Sound equals ha?
All Chinese: Yupsss….
Agiues: No way!!!! It is a gift from my parents.. no way!
Gabby: My laptop is from a two years savings… are you kidding me?
Chinese 1 & 2: Do you want a boat or…
Chinese 3 & 4: You will swim to America…
Dharma: Come on team… just give them what they want…
Arini: What… how could you say that… you have to pay for this…
Dharma: Sacrifice is needed here…
Gabby: Just remember this okay.. this is NOT FUNNY At ALL…
So they sail out to America… across the pacific ocean… the sail westward.. sail out… sail out… sail out till they reach a shore in a place called… CALIFORNIA…
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Image source: Google image search engine |
Episode 4 – in America
Additional Characters:
Drew: Actor - the outlaw
Chacha: Actress - woman hostage
Dianca: a Movie Producer
Hasfi: Actor - the FBI or Police Officer
Music background: Linus and Lucy from the Peanuts
Arini: Thank You Lord!!! Land here safely…
Agieus: Wow… we are… in AMERICA. I CAN believe it!
Dharma: Cool… America! We will have a great time!
Arini: Let’s take a walk and meet celebrities in Hollywood boulevard..
Gabby: Great TIME???... you call this a GREAT TIME??... Hello!! are u kidding me?...
Dharma: Now… how much money do we have now?
Gabby: Not much! And.. not to forget! No Blackberry! NO Laptop! NO gadget!
Arini: NO worry! I still have something…
Agieus: what that’s?... hope it will save us alive…
Agieus: what that’s?... hope it will save us alive…
Arini: My coin collection… we can use it…
Travelers: Coins?????..... Just only coins….????.... you better Pray a Lot!
Narrator: Somewhere in a part of the town….
Music Background: Mission Impossible 3 remix by U2
Chacha: Help… help… help…
Drew: Shut Up Lady! Do not fight me!
Chacha: Save me! Somebody Save me! Help…
Drew: You… a naughty woman!...
Hasfi: Freeze! Don’t Move! Put your gun down! This is LAPD!
Drew: I will kill her if you come closer! Don’t dare Police!
Chacha: Please don’t kill me! Help.. save me please!
Hasfi: Stop Right There!... Put Your Gun down!
Agiues & Dhrama: Hiaaaaaaa…. GOT HIM!
Arini: Hit him hard!...
Drew: Ouw… oww… what the…!!!!
Gabby: Here! Hit him with the stick…
Drew: Stop! STOP! Help me please!...
Chacha: Oh NO!.. Somebody call the police please!!!
Dianca: CUT.. CUT… CUT!!!
The fighting is still going on!
Dianca: I SAID CUT!!! CUT!! CUT!!!
All: ????
Dianca: Oh my God! What have you done…look! What have you done?
Boys: Save the girl!!! Was it wrong?...
Drew: God!... I had a backache!... my nose is broken too!
Chacha: Are you Okkay husband?
Hasfi: I had Enough! We made 25 scenes for this one! I am quit!
Girls: Husband???... what is wrong with world?
Dianca: Look! You hurt my actor! You made them quit! I AM BROKE!! BROKE!!!
Dharma: Look we are sorry! We don’t know… really don’t know!
Dianca: No actor! No more money! No more movie!...
Arini: I can be an actress for your next movie… I think I am talented and pretty! You see?
Dianca: I am not joking little girl…
???.... (all in silence for a moment)
Agieus: We will help you… we will write you the greatest story…
Gabby: and give you money to make movie…
Dianca: and.. as the return?...
Dharma: take us back to England…. On time!!!
So… Dianca agreed to take them to new York. And send them to London By Ship!
Episode 5 – Coming back home
Narrator: After long and tiring voyage across Atlantic… they arrive back here in London…
Music background: Go Speed Racer
Agiues: Come quick! Don’t waste the time!
Gabby: Quickly!...
After running cross the city roads….
Judge: You are late!... LATE For 15 minutes! Means that… YOU ARE LATE! YOU LOSE!!!!
Dharma: Oh my god!!!... it can’t be!
Arini: Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Judges: And for the loser must pay the penalty….
Gabby: GOD Save US All…
Suddenly… an office boy come to office…
Office boy: Excuse me gentlemen… I want to fix the watch… it was 30 minutes faster! My friend played a trick with me last night… may I fix it now?
Music Background: All around the world (reprise version) by Oasis
Agiues: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Arini: Why do you laugh?....
Agieus: We win the race… YEAH We win the race….
Dhrama: We still have 15 minutes times….!
Gabby: Yippie…..!!!!!!
Arini: Now… what is the price…
Judge: The first price is… all of you got FULL SCHOLARSHIP to SEKOLAH MUTIARA BUNDA!
Dharma: And the extra…
Judge: You just ask us for it…
Agius: Give our story and some money for American Movie producer as we promise before…
Travelers: True!!!!
Arini: Cool…! I can’t believe it! Oh…. I will play a movie… ohhh our movie with handsome and beautiful actor and actress ohh… not like you boys… cool.. SWEET!.
Traveller: Oh… PLEASE!!! Not again!
Judge: Want to have another race?
Traveler: Journey to centre of the Earth!!!!
Judge: just say when?
Dharma & Agieus: Next week?...
Gabby: OH NO! NOT AGAIN!!!!
The END!!!!
The musical Background
To make the drama to be more alive, a music instrumental is necessarily needs. For this drama, we play some music as:
Linus and lucy (from The Peanuts)
The Desert from Sting – formerly The Police
Chinese instrumental – a soft and solemn will be nice
Mission Impossible 3 remixed by U2
Go Speed Racer from Speed racer movie
Around the world (reprise) by Oasis
You may download the songs as you like it..
Note: if you have a LCD background, it would help a lot to set up the locale setting.
The Actors and Actress Costumes:
Travelers: they must dress like a modern traveler with backpack, adventure outfit, hat like Indiana Jones perhaps completed with compass, telecommunication devices, and of course Map
The Egyptian should dress like ordinary Arabian costumes. You may get dress in white with veil, Rabbi Hat (usually red or black ones)
The Chinese should also dress like common Chinese with its traditional dress which is dominated by red and yellow or gold or wear jibau.
For American and Londoners, I think you can define by your self.
Try This and Have Some Fun
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