“Shepherding The Sheeps – Keep Hungry be foolish”
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Written by Josh F Levante
This is another short play or mini drama to celebrate xmas for kids around the world. here, the drama become the main stream of Xmas performance along with singing, dancing and another sort of performances. the performance must be intact with the plot so it will complete each other. you may use or adopt this sort of play and you are deliberately free to modify the content. Have a Great Xmas to come.
The Plot:
A grandmaster is afraid that his pupils will feel self satisfied about what they have at this moment. beside such a cleverness, they also possess fortune. that's why in his pray, he wish something will happen to change and make his pupil stay hunger and fool so that they will never stop improving their competence.
Apparently Santa comes a week before Xmas but this time of course he doesn't bring any gift for the children. because of that, the scholars get upset and burst some comment addressed for Santa. this goes into a contest of which is giving the best gift at Xmas for santa with condition that the scholar must deal with them self and they cannot use their belonging to get the gift.
After a week full of considering, the scholars are still unable to get the gift. a nite duty in an orphange simply change their live. after that they think the best give is not merely only what money can buy instead of what they can think and do for other which come from the bottom of their heart...
List of The Characters and Narrator
an animated narrator
Grandmaster = a wise old man who lead a Hilltop Scholar House
Lady master = a female tutor who helps the learning at Hilltop Scholar House
Scholar 1-3 = a typical moderate students who think that they are already the wise, the have and the most brilliant students among others
Santa Claus = a important role in the story. he presents the problem and finally draw the conclusion for the problem arise.
Little Children 1-5 = a minor roles in a story but give an comical sense in the drama.
Episode 1… Hills Top Scholar House
Music background : fresh morning instrumentalia
Narrator: one lovely morning, the air was still cold after a night of snow falling down. The students are really happy, especially Xmas is about to come.
Every scholar must get off their cars, take a walk … and must climb up the hill to get there. So the school is famous by its name “Hilltop Scholar House”
Lady master: Look all those beautiful young learners! Can you see their spirit? … ohhh… so lovely… I can’t wait to greet them..
Grandmaster: it is true Lady master, they have spirit that makes them special…
PAUSED for Performance of Dancing little children.
Grandmaster: But… I am afraid,, something will happens today…
Lady master: something will happens?... is it good?... or is it bad?... you are frighten me Grandmaster..
Grandmaster: I can’t tell you now.. but something is about to happen… arghhhh … well, let us welcome them
Lady master: true, Let greet them all … come my dear children…
Grandmaster : Come here… all of u…
(scholars approach the classroom or Big hall)
Narrator: So they children come to main hall and everyone starts singing in a blessed day…
Lady master: Children… what if we sing a wonderful song to begin our day…
Scholar 1: Let’s sing Justin Beiber song… Baby baby.. baby
Scholar 2: I can’t sing that song.. it is too old for us …
Scholar 3: What about “kingkong badannya besar”?
All Scholars: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ….
Lady Master: Children Please, Be serious please…
Scholar 3: BUT I LIKE the song It is true.
Scholar 2: What about singing, “Dari terbit Matahari”?
Scholar 1: Yeaaaaah… that’s a great song too… I love it
Lady master: Great… lets stand up and make a circle… Let us Start to sing….
Narrator : All are happy that day… all the children of hilltop are singing so joyfully…
(performance of Kindergarten. It can be singing and dancing of one of Sunday school happy songs)
Episode 2 : A Strange Santa…
Music Background: The musical little bit tune up.. and expressive
Narrator: Suddenly without anyone realize, something appears from the distance…
Santa: Ho ho ho ho… I am coming…
Grand master: look over there… that’s what I tell yo.
Lady Master: Is that Santa? is it TRUE? I must be dreaming. It is NOT true!
Grandmaster: You are not dreaming Lady master… Santa is coming… but I don’t know what is his coming for…
Santa: hello… children…. Are you… haaaaaaaaapppppppppy……?
All Scholars: Yeahhhhhhhh… Santa …. cooooollllllll
Santa: Are you missing me?........
All Scholars: Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Scholar 1: are you really A SANTA?
Santa: Of course… I am A real Santa…
Scholar 2: so… do you have a gift for us…?
Santa: Wellll…. I don’t want to talk about the gift.
Scholar 3: why?... Santa always brings gifts for children. If not, so you are not a Santa…
Santa: NO, NO NO NO… I AM A SANTA… Don’t Try me…
Scholar 1: So… Where is our gifts?.
Santa: Well… Because it is not yet Xmas.. that’s why I don’t bring gifts
All Scholars: Huuuuuuuuuu…. You are a bad santa… NO Gift for children…
Santa: Bad santa?... it is not true…. Grand master please…
Grandmaster: Be Silent…. Let us listen to Santa.
Lady master: Okay children… Sit back and listen carefully
Grandmaster: Speak Santa, you may speak now…
Santa: It is TRUE… I don’t bring gifts today… But it is not TRUE when you say I am NOT that REAL SANTA…
Scholar 1 : Oh yeah Really…?
Scholar 2 : I think you are just an old grandpa with white beard…
Scholar 3 : And don’t forget… with a big bag of belly ha ha ha ha ha
Grandmaster: Hold UP!!! Children give santa time to speak please…
Santa: Today… you are blessed… my coming here will give you a greatest gift you may have.
The scholars: The greatest give????… what is that???...
SANTA : Hear me… I would tell you what the greatest gift is….
Narrator: Santa wants to give the greatest gifts for them in every Xmas as long as the children can give the greatest give for Santa as well. The Condition is simple, they cannot used their money to buy the gift and never ask help from the Grand and Lady Master.
Another Students Performance related to the scene
Episode 3 : Looking for The Best Gift...
Musical Background :
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Image Resource : AG Photo collection |
Narrator: The Scholars has big problem now, if they success, they will have a happy Xmas… but if they fail… ????
Scholar 1 : what should we do? I am confused…
Scholar 2: Why we agree with this contest? if we lost… no gift for us forever… Xmas without any gift is not a Xmas
Scholar 3: We need a miracle here…!
Scholar 2: Oh my God,,, it drives me crazy…
Scholar 3: We must make something… for Santa, but why for him?...
Scholar 1: Santa doesn’t need a gift… he has everything! We are the one who need gift…!
Scholar 2: How much time we have left?
Scholar 1: Not much… less than a night and day…
Scholar 3: Oh… great… now, we have to put those babies on the bed
Scholar 1: we are totally doomed here..
Scholar 2: Sayonara Gift At Xmas…
Scholar 3: A Sad Xmas… hiks.. hiks… hiks…
Narrator: They got a deep and hard trouble. They still have to take care little children to bed in an orphanage. The little children are waiting there and starting asking this and those and that…
Little child 1: Brother, the air is so cold… light a fire please…
Scholar 1: Not now… kids… we are warm enough and I am busy…
Little child 4: It is really COLD… where is my blanket?
Scholar 1: Look I know it is cold… so get close to the fire. Put on those blanket.. Get sleep soon okay…
Narrator: after minutes gone by..
Little child 2: I am hungry… could we have something to eat?
Little child 3 : cook us something please…
Scholar 3: argghhh….Huuuuh… okay…!
Narrator: Soon… the big brother bring something from the kitchen..
Scholar 3: This is a hot noodle for you.. Here you are…!
Little Child 2: it is sour and not good… I don’t want it!
Little Child 5: I can I eat the noodle… may I?
Narrator : Next, The other children keep asking off and on…
Little child 4: I can’t sleep… sing us a song please…
Scholar 2: Sing us a song?... oh come on… my voice is bad…
Little child 3: Sing us a song!!!! Pleaseeee…..
All Children : yeahhh Please… brother… Pleaseeeee….
Scholars 2: Alright… do NOt protest if it is bad… deal????...
Narrator: After that they all sang a song…
Little child 5: I like to listen a story before sleeping.. Read us a book please…
Little Child 3+4 : yeaah.. a story about Samson and Delilah…
Scholar 2: Oh… my god… what again…
Scholar 1: you never stop asking… ha?
Scholar 3: what a naughty children… you are!
Narrator: So they sang songs… read greats stories.. served one another… till all the children fall asleep… and so did with all the scholars…
Episode 4: Brightly Morning…
Mucial Background: ______
Narrator: On the next morning, when they wake up….
Little child 2: Thank you brothers and sister…
Little child 3: you have made our night so wonderful..
Scholar 1: Really… I am happy for you then
Little child 4: Thank for the songs. I wish to be a great singer someday…
Scholar 2: Oh… you are welcome…
Little child 5: And the great story too… I want to be a great writer
Scholar 3: Oh it is lovely idea…
Little child 1: And take care us too… I wish to be a doctor one day
Scholar 1: I am sure you will be a good one
Little child 2 : Truly you are great brother and sister for us…
Little child 3: Yeaaaah the best give of our Xmas…
Scholar 1: Oh… nevermind….
All Scholars :So long… little brothers… See you Soon
Narrators: So they left the little ones… and got started for Xmas Eve… Still they couldnt make the greatest gift for Santa…
Scholar 1: The best Xmas gift ha… what a joke…!
Scholar 2: Don’t forget what the grandmaster said to us? …
Scholar 3: Keep hungry and stay fools…
Scholar 1 : in any condition…
Scholar 2: Means that….
Scholar 3 : Always make ourselves better.
Scholar 2: So… what is the best gift for Santa?
Scholar 3: I think we have them all….
Scholar1+2: What is it?...Tell me please..
Scholar 1: The children told us that we are their best gift for Xmas..
Narrator: So the Scholar went home and get prepared for the Xmas Eve at their School…
Episode : The Greatest Gift…
Musical Background: _____
Narrator: Tonite is the Xmas eve … everyone comes with the finest dress. Some children brings gift to be exchanged with other but some brings no gifts…
Grandmaster: hail… to you all…
Lady master: I can’t wait to see what they bring for Santa…
Grandmaster: and if they don’t…
Ladymaster: I am sure… they would have a sorrowful Xmas…
Grandmaster: I hope Santa will not Come… at least until they are ready.
Santa: Ho ho ho ho… Santa is coming… Merry Xmas Everybody…
All Children: Hooooooray… yeaaaah… Santa.. santa.. santa.. santa…
Lady master: Attention… Please…!
Santa: Where are those scholars… Show me your noses?
Scholars: We are here Santa…
Santa: So… Do you bring the best gift for me…?
Narrator : All audience are in silent…
Santa: I keep my promise I bring tons of gift… how about you?...
Scholars 3: We.. bring… we bring… NOTHING Santa…
Santa: Nothing… NOTHINg…You said you bring Nothing…
Scholar 2: We have nothing Santa… we have only…
Scholar 3: Our heart, our Time and our energy
Santa: hmmmmm I see that….
Narrator: Everybody is afraid to think what will happen… they are in silence once more…
Scholar 2: I just can play guitar and sing although my voice is not beautiful enough…
Scholar 3: I like to share great stories from bible… I can teach them read and write a little..
Scholar 3: I like to share great stories from bible… I can teach them read and write a little..
Scholar 1: I am creative… I think I can teach them to make crafts
Santa: hmmmmm…… let me think….
Scholar 2: We would like to give our energy heart and time..
Scholar 1: to help and shepherd little children ….
Scholar 3: one day every week…
Little Child 1: I think that is the best give… for us!
Lady Master: To shepherd little kids… what a noble heart you have
Little Child 5: Gift… and … toys… will be gone…
Little Child 2: It is true…. My toy has broken in one day…
Grandmaster: But… it is not for wisdom. It will last forever…
Little Child 3+4: Just what like Jesus told us…
Narrator: Everyone is thinking and wait in a silence...
Santa: I think… I think…. That is… haaaaaaaa?
Grandmaster: What you say… Santa?... is it what you ask for?...
Little Child 4: : Well… that time you didn’t bring anything
Little Child 5: So… now… they don’t bring anything too..
Ladymaster: So santa?... what is your decision…?
Santa: I guess… give me a time…
Narrator : all are in silent…. Waiting for Santa Answer…
Santa: HO HO HO… HO HO HO… Happy Merry Xmass…. The world needs more children like you…
Little Child 5 & All Scholars: So What is the meaning?
Santa: That is the greatest gift for me … Praise the lord…
ALL Scholars: Hooooooorrraaayy…. Horraaaayyyy….
Santa: Okay… let give the give for anyone here…
Scholars: RIGHT HERE… RIGHT NOW…. How?
Santa: And let us all say….
All Characters: MERYY Happy XMASS… And Happy New Years…
Narrator: so… ladies and gentlemen they best gift for the one we love is not far.. it is not expensive too but it means more than money can buy… the best give is our truly heart for shepherding others and for us: Keep All Stay Foolish and Keep Hungry… of God Wisdom of Course… The End…
Sing a happy Merry Xmas Songs: ___
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Image Resouces : AG Photo Collection |
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