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Image resources : AG Photo Collection 102 |
“The Origin of the Santa:
The Generous and kind-hearted little boy”
Originally written by Josh F Levante.
Xmas will come sooner, just within 20 days and the whole world will joy of Jesus’ birth… therefore, as truly Christian believer, most of children eagerly want to be the part of this world most famous event in human history.
This is a sort and perhaps only a mini drama. I combine the sense of comedy, melancholic, valiant and sort of… I realize you might find some mistyped or misspelled words, and it will be your duty to make it perfect as your desire.
Well… just let me know the performance by sending me some picture or video I could watch… have a try..
The Plot.
Nicholas who was left alone by his parents had to live in a house of Lord, under the protection of a Bishop. He had burden in his heart of how would he used all his riches and help others. He also had to struggle in his heart especially when the demon come off and on and try to distract his goal of life.
The other scene tells how he did his first deed of charity to a father and his three daughters which apparently made Nicholas as a famous and mysterious figure of mast. Till the crowds argued each other when addressed the suitable name for him.
List Of Charcters:
Nicholas is an wealthy orphan who has problem with his future.
The Angel = a faith and soul protector sent by God Almighty to secure Nicholas life.
The Devil is a very cunning and crafty when making tricks by his mouth.
The Bishop
Episode 1 : Come to me… run to me…
Narrator = I am dreaming of a white Christmas.. I am dreaming of his coming… Let them say that his life story as merely as … just beyond imagination… and now… in this Christmas eve… let remember the day.. a very old days… as such a blessing for any children around the world… and here is the tale that … could give the spirit of Christmas to all of us… Around the worlds…
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image resource: menmedia.co.uk |
Narrator : Once upon a time.. in a far away far away land from here… where two continent meets… two great civilizations meet… it lies on the borders of Europe and Asia … and so we may called by today name as Turkey… There, lived a boy who left alone by his beloved father..
(The church bell rangs… ding… ding…. Ding….)
Priest: (Loud and Clear) Nicholas… Nicholas… where are you my dear boy?
Nicholas: Up here Bishop, I am here, In my room. What is it?
Priest: What are you doing here?... alone in your room?... are you okay?...
Nicholas: uh.. uhm.. I am just thinking Father.. yeah… just thinking about something…
Priest: What’s troubling your mind?... tell me. is it about your life Nicholas?
Nicholas: Ehm… I guess so!
Priest: Well my dear boy, Christ will give you everything you need for your life! You shall no worry about your life.
Nicholas: Shouldn’t I?
Priest: Why should you? God have given you a lot fortune, gold and riches! STOP Worrying and Be merry..
Nicholas: I wish I could Father… but… ah… my Priest, to be honest…
Priest: Speak my dear boy…
Nicholas: This fortunes, these gold and riches make me feel bad… make me feel sad… every hour… every night and day… E V E R Y … T I M E…
Priest: You better pray to God my Dear boy… God will speak to you…
Closed by Gospel song:
Episode 2 : Hope and Pray…
Musical background : a
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image resources: theadvanceguardess.blogspot.com |
Narrator : The priest left Nicholas alone and then Nicholas crosses his fingers and start to pray… his voice is unheard… and tears begin to drop..
Demon: poor strange little Creature… such a fool… I will greet him… ha ha ha
Angel: stay away from that boy you wicked demon… or we will have business!
And then…
Nicholas: God, I want to sell everything I have and become a priest… and follow You… hear me please God…
Demon And live in poverty Nicho… oh GREAT! Do you want to be a hero???.. What ‘s the great things of living in poverty?... you Must be Joking? ,,,
Nicholas: But God tell me so… by His Word…
Angel: TRUE Nicholas… follow your GOD… Listen carefully to Him
Demon : Well… look! you need food and happiness little boy… you can get those thing from your riches… don’t FORGET one thing… YOU ARE STILL YOUNG!!! YOU CANT MAKE MONEY by yourself !!!
Nicholas thinks deep…
Demon: Is it True Nicho?…. Is it true?...
Nicho is still thinking…
Demon: Of course! It is TRUE! I always never make mistakes!... You know me..
After minutes…
Nicholas: Speak God… Speak…! Please… Hear me… now
Demon : Come on!!! Nicholas… listen to me and Follow me. Well, nobody wants to live in such a poorest poverty… I’ll be you truly friends.. and I will give you… MORE.. MORE.. And MORE… don’t WORRY… Call my name!!!!
Angel: Be steady Nicholas… listen to What God command you… it’s not easy.. listen to Him… GOD has A GREAT Plan for your life…
Demon : NIichoooo….. You could have million maids… who served your dinner.. EVERY DAY… meat and fruit and much more on your table… even Party.. Party and Party… HAPPY ALL The WAY…. Sound GREAT true??...
Nicholas: I will put my life in God hand… totally and completely…
Demon : Look… why you care with those poor fellows.. they don’t care of you…
Angel: Fight the demon Nicholas.. BE Steady and hand your life in God Hands… Nothing is Impossible for Him…
Narrator: Then…. Nicholas smile and be joyful as his pray has been answered…
Demon: urrrrrggghhhh….. huuuuuuh…. I don’t like THIS!!!! Lose Again!!!! I will come to see you again… I’LL BE BACK… I’LL BE BACK….
Angel: come back again if you dare! And we will beat you again… Praise The Lord Almighty.. Singing Glory…! For he has saved a worthy soul… Halleluyah…
Episode 3 : Help me Please Boy Bishop
Additional Characters:
The hopeless Father
The girls 1
The Girls 2
The girls 3
Narrator : Nicholas went to church and learn hard to become a real priest or Bishop although it was still early for his age… as a priest he travel a lot to do a sermon.. till one time… when he passed a village… while he was resting.. he heard a sound of whisper and pray…
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Image resource : willowtree.info |
Hopeless Father: Hiks… hiks… hicks… Oh my dear God… my almighty one… I come to you… kneeling down and pleading you… help me please… help me God…
(sound sorrowful pray and cry)….
Hopeless Father : I have nothing here.. I work so hard still… I couldn’t give food to my family…
(sound sorrowful pray and cry)….
Hopeless Father : I love my family… I love all of my daughters… I don’t want to be parted with them… I don’t want to send them to a slavery help me god please… I call your name…
(sound sorrowful pray and cry)….
Hopeless Father: i put my family in your hand… Your will may be done…
Narrator: Without he realized, Nicholas listen to his praying…
Nicholas: What should I do Lord… tell me so…
Demon: Why you care with his life Nicholas?... you don’t know him.. he don’t you.. so why?... Just Go to sleep and get rest..
Angel: Sell what you have and follow Him… Nicholas… you know what does it mean? … well what you say Nicholas…?
Demon: Sell??? SELL and Give it for someone for REEEEE! What?... What is it for?... BE logic!!! Look why you give your bless for someone else?...
Nicholas: Ah… Ha!!! I got it! Thank you my Lord… you shows me a away…
Angel: Praise the Lord… Halleluyah… God has worked so miraculously!
Nicholas: And for you Satan, I don’t know what to say… but you just give me an idea.. giving and sharing with someone…
Episode: A Night before Christmas
Then the man go home to his small hut.. Where his three daughters have waited him..
Daughter 1: Good nite father.. here a hot drink for you.. drink it.. it will make your body warm..
Hopeless Father: Thank you my daughter…
Daughter 2: You have worked so hard father… I have made the beds for you… go and have a rest…
Father: I shall rest my daughter…
Daughter 3: Father, this is the rest of our food. Take and eat it. So you will be strong tomorrow…
Father: Oh my beloved daughter… I love you so much… you are my everthing..
Daughter 3: Father, we have no food for tomorrow…
Daughter 2: And all of our clothes has worn out.. we shall buy new ones or… we will be frozen during this winter… the air was so cold and soon the snow will fall down…
Daughter 1: But… but… but… the taxman came this afternoon, and we must pay the tax… we have no money left, no saving and we have nothing at all left father…
Father: Well… I have nothing left too my dear.. we shall pray to God to save us all..
Narrator: Before they go to their bed… they hung their wet and old sock up near the chimney… so that they will get them dry in the morning… then they pray and fall asleep…
In the dark and under starry night, a dark figure crept out and come down from the top of the chimney down to the fireplace… Pssst… He is absolutely not a burglar or thief, he is just a man that wears a red coat and red hat…
Then he silently walked around the house and put some grain of gold in the socks which were being hung in the fireplace when everybody were sleeping and off he went soon afterward…
Episode : Blessing in Disguise
Narrator : In a very cold morning, in the poor hut, a blessing is about the come over…
Daughter 3: Whoaaam… I have a strange dream last night…
Daughter 2: Me too… I think I saw a strange creature came in the house..
Daughter 1: Yeaaah… what can a thief get from our poor hut… what a weird night.. (she rose up and walked closer to the fireplace)
Daughter 1 : Wow.. it is so cold. I think I will wear my sock…
Narrator: Suddenly…
Daughter 1: Oh My God!!!!... What is this?... look come here my sisters…
Daughter 3: WHAT!!! A grain of gold… how could that be?...
Daughter 2: Wow… You have a mysterious gift in the morning…
Daughter 2+3 : What would you do with that…
Daughter 1: I think I should buy enough food for our family so we never feel hungry again..
Narrator: The girls were surprised and the other girls go to their sock…
Daughter 2: Look what I found in my socks… another gold too
Daughter 1: I think you should check your socks too
Daughter 3: Oh My God… I have it too
Daughter 2: Well… we should buy new clothes to keep our body warm…
Daughter 3: And I shall use the money for paying the tax…
The father wakes up after hearing joyful scream at his house…
Father: Morning, why you shout shout and scream so loud?...
Daughter 3: We have a magical blessing father…
Daughter 2: We got golds for our living…
Father: Is it true?...
Daughter 1: Eh eh
Father: Are you sure?...
Daughter 2: sure enough…
Father: then I must be dreaming in the morning…
Daughter 1,2,3 : you are NOT DREAMING Father… Look here they are…
Daughter 3: we can have a blessed life forever…
Father: … well… God the merciful… but don’t forget one thing… we should share with other who in needs too… don’t waste for our need only okay?...
Father: by they way… what happened last night…
Daughter 1,2,3: a strange thing… and… we… couldnt say any words…
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image resources: dreamstime.com |
Episode: A Demon or An Angel…
Narrator: the news spread out rapidly, the whole village heard about the miracle that happened to the poor father and his three beloved daughters… and yet… the midnight surprise is still going on… Nicholas still walked through village and give hands as possible…
Demon: how long will you do this foolish boy Nicholas?
Angel: How could you say that he is “such a fool”… to me, he is the most generous and unselfish man I know by far…
Demon: Nicholas, why you give your riches and gold for them?... what is it for?... it is USELESS… totally doesn’t make any SENSE… you are fool and bold…
Nicholas: But I am happy now…
Demon: Will you be happy and merry when you have lost your riches?...
Nicholas: God Knows the best for me…
Demon: GOD KNOWS… GOD KNOWS… that is NOT the answer…
Nicholas: So what answer do you want?... ha ha ha…
Demon: Well… why don’t you give them during day light?... where everyone sees you… well you will be POPULAR… and FAMOUS…
Nicholas: And make me arrogant too… just for Showing Off…?... like that ha?
Angel: I believe in you Nicholas, you are a strong and steady-hearted boy…
Nicholas: God told me NOT TO TELL anyone when I give or do something good for them…
Demon: I Hate this!!! Well… I have enough with! I’ll be gone now..
Angel: And don’t forget… DO NOT COME Back…
Demon: Urrrrrrggggh…. Just watch out! The game is NOT OVER yet… It has NOT OVER YET!
Angel: Well Nicholas, my Job is done here… Pray to God… Call his name and he will be there for you… God will take good care of you… Hallelujah
Episode 4: Ho ho ho… It’s SANTA…
Narrator: Although Santa always gives and Share, Give and Share, Give and Share, all of his riches for Free and for everyone and especially for children who in need, His riches still never run out… why??? the more we give means the more we will get… it is as what Jesus already told and taught Santa and us very long time ago…
People heard and spread rumor of his mysterious and magical gift, still no one ever met him personally and face to face. Until one day in a joyful and peaceful Xmas morning, when all children Cheering… and rejoicing
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Image Resource : marghanita.com |
Child 1: Hoorray… I got a gift in my stocking. It is a small bible so I can read it everywhere I want.. I want to be a priest.
Child 2: Really? That’s nice. ARRRRRRRRRRCHHHH… I got pen and book and pencil… now I can keep studying… and… I want to be a professor someday
Somebody run to them…
Child 3: Look What I found here. Look, Everyone! SURPRISED!!!… I got new clothes means I can work and help dad on the farm.. Dad must be happy…
Child 4: You know what I got here…?
Children 1+2: What? Tell us please?...
Child 4: Just Seed…
Child 3: What? Only seeds?
Child 2: Is it true?...
Child 4: Yeah… grain of seed… nothing special really…
Child 1 : Don’t be sad..
Child 4 : You have great gift for Xmas but I got only seeds…
Child 4 : What is his name again?
All Children: Who?
Child 4 : The man who give us present? I will protest him!
Child 2 : I think he is Saint Nicholas…
Child 1 : No… No…No… he is Not him. He is Sint Nichlas! I believe…
Child 2: It can’t be.. he is Saint Nicholas.. not Sint Nichlas…
Child 1 : My name is better than yours…
Child 3 : I think SinterKlass is much better…
Children 1 +2: NO WAY…
They keep arguing the best name for Santa…
Child 4: I don’t have name for him! I don’t care what his NAME!! he make me sad on Xmas…
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Image Resources : stwalburgas.blogspot.com |
Narrator: Then Suddenly… appears infront of them…
Nicholas: HO HO HO… Merry Xmass Everybody… Joy and Peace for you All…
All Children: THIS IS UNTRUE!!! This is Not REAL..
Child 4: I must be dreaming…
Child 1 : Are you Saint Nicholas?
Nicholas: Ehmmmmm…
Child 1 See I am right!
Child 2: Wait, or your name maybe Sint Nichlas..
Nicholas: Aaahhh…. You are Right! That’s Me!!
Child 2: You see that, my name is correct too
Child 3: beHold… what about SinterKlass?... are you Sinterklass?
Nicholas: Sinterklass…hmmm… well it is my name Too!
All Children So what is your name Mister?
Nicholas: You are ALL correct and you can call me just… SANTA…
And you may dear boy… come closer… always be grateful to God…
Come here… I tell you a secret! What is your gift?
Child 4: Seeds… why?
Nicholas: Those seeds give my family and me all the riches I have… they are grains, barley and grapes… plant well my dear boy…
Child 4: ???????...... really… I am sorry God! And thank you so much…
Nicholas: Ho ho ho… Merry Xmass Everybody… Santa Must Go Now…
All Children: Merry Xmass Santa … … GOD bless you… Bye- bye Santa
Narrator: And so it is the story and tale about our father of Xmas… Saint Nicholas.
Ps: I know i made a lot of Mistake when typing or stringing this in English.. make them into perfection then... i don't mind
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